Q: I am lighter than you yet can carry what you cannot. I can save lives but have been known to ruin many. I come in many different forms, but my job never changes. What am I?

Q: I am larger than a house, yet you can place me between two fingers. I am visible in the dark, yet I emit no light. What am I?

Q: I accompany you on your travels, yet I never move an inch. I can be your faithful guide or wayward companion. What am I?

Q: I can touched the sky without leaving the ground. I can call people from far away without making a sound. I can change the course of winds or rivers but not my own. What am I?

Q: I can be seen more clearly from a distance than up close. I can appear to go on forever, but I am often gone before you know it. I can get in the way, but I never block your path. What am I?

Q: The bigger I get the smaller I become. Often, I never touch the ground, but I cannot fly. I am both protector and destroyer. What am I?

Q: I am not a driver nor passenger, but without a vehicle, I cannot get very far. I can make good time even when traveling in circles. What am I?

Q: I am always moving, but I am never going anywhere. I am the same outside but always different inside. Sometimes, I travel directly or move step-by-step. Still, when I tumble, I never complete the fall. What am I?

Q: We can overtake a town but be subdued without a fight. We can move through the sky without wings or through water without fins. We can come one by one or in droves. We are a source of life to others but our life is short lived. What are we?

Q: Sometimes, I have two heads but often just one. I have a heel, but I have no feet. I have one eye, but I cannot see through it. Without hands, I can strike down something twenty times my size. What am I?

Q: I end before I begin and begin before I end. I am always different but very much the same. Each day I am born again. What am I?

Q: I have no arms but cannot go anywhere without them. I do not get around on twos or fours. I am heavier moving up and lighter moving down. On my side, I weigh considerably less. What am I?

Q: The darker I become the more light I seem to bring. I am small and large at the same time, but no matter my size I weigh next to nothing. What am I?

Q: I am a shoe that fits no foot. I am up when I am down and down when I am up. I start at the end but do not end where I start. What am I?

Q: I can go on for a hundred yards without taking a step. I need not leave the start to make it to the end. I am beneficial to some and a nuisance to others. What am I?