Autumn Rose Kingfisher, also known as the “precocious Autumn Rose” is the face of Weird Halloween. She appears as the protagonist in the short story “Queen of Ginseng Creek” and in the desktop video game Haints n’ Hidin’ Spaces. Also, she is the presenter for all of our campfire stories and the author of “Homespun Riddles by Autumn Rose.”

Autumn Rose resides in Twila, Kentucky and comes from a family of simple means. She presently lives with her seven sisters, including Ruby Moon and Serenity Sky, as well as Mama and Papa Kingfisher. She has a pet river monster named “Brom,” who dislikes baths, and a hat named “Hat,” which pretty much just glares most of the time.

Autumn Rose is extremely shy around human folk and gets some scary kind of nervous. Likewise, she has a tendency to disappear when met with social situations, if not with family. She prefers to communicate indirectly with others through notes, email, social media or this website.

However, Autumn Rose is exceptionally chatty with monsters and supernatural beings, especially her pals Tam and Rip. Tam is a garden moogie, and Rip is a boneyard moogie. Autumn Rose is rarely ever seen without her favorite stick in hand and is adventurous and outdoorsy to a fault. She has an unwavering love for apple cider and everyone she has or has yet to meet.

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